
Friday, 19 July 2013

The Montessori education method fosters social and academic growth in children. Contact the Alfred Montessori School about our education and day care programs to learn how we can serve your family.

Contact no: 0463512232.                                                                                                                Email address:                                                                                               Find us onFacebook. 

The Montessori Education Method Maria Montessori expanded her study of the young child, and gradually refined her approach to all child development areas through her experience and research in countries as diverse as Spain and India until the time of her death in 1952. The Montessori Method is now being successfully implemented with children in nearly every country of the world. There was a significant influence in the United States in the early 1960's and today there are more than 3,000 Montessori programs in this country. The Montessori Method is applied most frequently in pre-school and elementary education grade levels but is very effective in the high school setting as well. Montessori education has no religious affiliation, is not a therapy, nor is it an approach useful only with certain categories of children. In addition, Montessori techniques can be used successfully with all children regardless if they are gifted, have learning disabilities or other special

History of the Montessori Education Approach The Montessori approach to education takes its name from Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator (1870-1952). Dr. Maria Montessori developed her educational philosophy as a result of her observations of the way children naturally learn. Dr. Maria Montessori's first class consisted of 50-60 children, ages 3-6, and most of them suffered from malnutrition and were shy and fearful since they lived in the slums of Florence, Italy. Montessori found that the children needed very little persuading to do everyday tasks, puzzles or other interesting activities which allowed them to not direct their energy toward destructive behaviors. She described the ages from three to six as a particularly sensitive time during which young children are especially attuned to acquiring knowledge from and about their environment. To enrich their experience, Dr. Maria Montessori developed a "prepared environment", of child sized furniture and material, to adapt to the surroundings to the child's natural size and behavior. This helped the children to feel relaxed and comfortable which created a will to learn. Through this interaction and experience, the children developed an extraordinary high level of intellectual and social ability at young ages.

Why Montessori? There is a tremendous diversity within the community of Montessori schools. Despite the impression that all Montessori schools are the same, no two Montessori schools are alike. Each school reflects its own unique blend of facilities, programs, personality and interpretation of Dr. Montessori’s vision. There are general key points to consider when you look at a Montessori School more closely: Montessori schools begin with a deep respect for children as unique individuals. They work from a deep concern for their social and emotional development. Montessori classes bring children together in multi aged groups, rather than classes comprised of just one age group. This allows the teachers to develop close and long term relationships with their students while also learning the child’s learning style. Montessori classrooms are not run by the teacher’s alone. Students are taught to manage their own community and develop leadership skills and independence. Montessori assumes that children are born intelligent; they simply learn in different ways and progress at their own pace. The Montessori approach to education is consciously designed to recognize and address different learning styles, helping students learn to study most effectively. Students progress as they master new skills, moving ahead as quickly as they are ready. Montessori students learn through hands on experience and investigation. They become actively engaged in their studies. Students develop a love for the natural world. Natural science and outdoor education is an important element of our children’s experience. Students develop self discipline and an internal sense of purpose and motivation. Students learn not to be afraid of making mistakes; they come to see their mistakes as natural steps in the learning process.